Thursday, August 30, 2018

Coming Back

Hi everyone!

It's been a while, I know.  Over five months have gone by, and I haven't done a new post in quite some time.  I figured I owed you all an explanation.

I know that in the description of this blog, I say that I live in New York City.  While that's not a lie, I need to clarify something.  When I started writing this blog, I had a long term sublet in Astoria that officially ended the first week of April.  My original plan was to find another place to stay and continue modeling and working in the city until summer came.  However, my plans changed towards the end of March.

In addition to art modeling, I also work as an actress.  When I first came to the city at the start of this year, I was aiming to go on as many auditions as I could in hopes of booking my next job.  I also planned on finding work in between auditions in order to earn some money and eventually get my own apartment in the city.  Modeling did provide a source of income for me for the time being, as did substitute teaching, which was great.  These jobs also allowed me to set my own schedule so I was free to go on as many auditions as I could.  Also a great thing.

Unfortunately, my plans didn't turn out exactly like I was expecting them to.  I didn't book any acting jobs, and by the time April rolled around, there weren't many auditions happening.  I was still making money from substitute teaching and modeling, but it wasn't enough to pay for another sublet as well as support myself for an extended amount of time.  So, after much consideration, I decided the best thing to do would be to return to my hometown of Oneonta.  That way, I could stay with my parents for a while and substitute teach locally.  This helped me earn a more steady paycheck and also allowed me to save a good amount of money over the next few months.

After taking this time off, though, I really started to miss working in New York City.  I would commute in and out of the city for the occasional audition, but I was never there long enough to accept modeling bookings.  But little did I know that that was all about to change.

In the past few weeks, I've been sending out my resume and headshot to different musical theatre and opera companies.  So far, I have four auditions lined up for the month of September!  This is most auditions I've had in a while, so I'm pretty excited about this.  Not only that, but autumn tends to be a busy time of year for performers.  Companies start to hire for their winter seasons, which means that more auditions are likely to pop up over the next months.  This means it's important for me to be in New York City for a while, and I think you can guess what that also means!

In two days, I'm moving into a new sublet in Brooklyn.  My sublet lasts from the start of September to the middle of October, but I'm hoping I'll be able to find another place once the person I'm subletting from returns.  In the meantime, when I'm not going on auditions, I'm going to be working.  That's right, folks.  I'm returning to modeling next week!  Yay!!!  :D  Honestly, I've missed modeling so much.  I'm so grateful that I'm coming back to it, and so soon too!  Since I'll be working again, it only makes sense that I should start blogging about it again as well, right?  Of course right!

Fair warning, I don't think I'll be sticking to my typical Wednesday/Saturday posting schedule.  Most likely, the posts are going to be sporadic for the first few weeks I'm back in the city.  But I'm going to work on establishing a more set schedule once I get settled in.  Either way, you can still expect blog entries from me, so please stick around!

As always, I also love getting questions and comments from my readers, so please send those my way!  I'm so excited to be back, and I can't wait to get the ball rolling again.  Just thinking about it makes me happy.  So with that said, I'll close out this post by saying thank you to everyone for your patience and support.  I look forward to hearing from you, and writing more about art modeling in the very near future.

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. not sure what art modeling is? your so brave to live alone in Brooklyn and Manhattan. I'm so proud of you little one
