Saturday, March 24, 2018

Health and Fitness

Hi everyone!

Another busy week, followed by another relaxing Saturday, I’m happy to report.  It also means that it’s time for another edition of “Model Behavior!”

In my last post, I tried to stress the importance of staying healthy when you’re an art model.  Today, I want to expand upon that subject and share some things I’ve learned about maintaining my health and fitness in this field.  I’ve decided to format this post more like an advice column.  That way, if an aspiring or current art models happen to be reading this, it’ll hopefully help them with their future artistic endeavors.  So, let’s get started!

Here’s a hard truth about my profession; no matter how much or how little you model, you’re going to get tired in a session.  You might not think that holding still could make you feel fatigued, but believe me, it does.  How does one prevent themselves from getting overwhelmingly tired while going from session to session?  Here are some tips:

1. SLEEP.  Get as much sleep as you can the night before a session is crucial.  Your body will thank you, especially when the poses get longer.

2. Caffeine can help, but proceed with caution.  You don’t want to get too jittery, otherwise your poses will be, shall we say, less than pretty.  Personally, I’m a fan of 5 Hour Energy Shots.  Drinking one about an hour befor a session starts can work wonders if you feel like you’re about to crash.

3. Make sure you eat something before you model.  It doesn’t have to be a big meal, but it should be something to sustain you for at least three hours.  You can also bring small snacks to sessions if need be.  Apples, granola bars, nuts, and even small sandwiches are among my favorite choices.

4. Choose poses that are dynamic, but not hard to hold.  Since models often set their own poses, explore what your body is comfortable holding for extended periods of time.  Seated and recumbent poses tend to put less stress on the body that standing and crouching poses do.

5. Take advantage of your breaks.  Even though breaks tend to be five minutes long, you can still find ways to keep yourself alert during these moments.  Stretching, using the bathroom, and walking around the classroom I’m in have all helped me remain focused during my sessions.

Of course, it doesn’t stop there.  Like any job, what you do off the clock impacts what you do when you’re at work.  What I’m about to say next might surprise you, but stick with me.

Sometimes, being a model can feel like being an athlete.  Yes, an athlete.  Granted, I’m not training for a marathon or deadlifting all the time.  But when you have a job where your body is what’s creating the work, you have to be strong and healthy in order to do it well.  I might not hit the gym everyday, but I do try to exercise frequently.  Low impact workouts, such as Pilates or yoga, help a lot.  Anything that helps elongate my body, particularly dancing, is great as well.  I also get a lot of inspiration for my poses by doing these exercises, so that’s definitely a plus!

Eating well is also key.  I won’t get too much into this, but I’m sure you all know what mean when I say you have to eat healthy.  Balanced meals, not insanely large or insanely small portions, and a variety of food is the way to go.  Pay attention to what foods make you feel energized vs. sluggish.  Knowing this will make modeling so much easier and more fun.

Finally, there is one last point I want to make.  In addition to maintaining your physical heath, it’s just as important to maintain your emotional and mental health when you’re an art model.  While this job is wonderful, there can be times where modeling feels more stressful than fun.  And, if you’re anything like me, you know that that stress can have plenty of negative effects.  That’s why it’s important to do lots of self-care whenever you can.  Making time to do something fun every day (especially on days when you’re not modeling) is so beneficial.  Discovering what makes you happy outside of modeling will not only increase your mood, but will make your time at work much more rewarding and enjoyable.  :)

That’s it for today.  As always, please keep your questions coming, share this blog, and keep coming back for more posts!

See you soon!

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