Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Balancing Act

Hi everyone!

I just finished a breakfast of pancakes and oatmeal, my roommate's cat is sitting on my lap, and I have the "Wicked" soundtrack playing in the background.  Good morning?  I'd say so!

I'm also pleased to report that this coming week is going to be a calm one.  I don't have too much scheduled yet, which makes me very happy.  Granted, I do like to be busy most of them, and I do tend to thrive when I have a lot to do.  But I'm also not a machine.  Having some time this week to relax and recharge is more than fine with me.  I think it's just what I need.

Yesterday, however, was a bit packed.  I ended up having a longer day than I anticipated.  I got up at 6:30am to get ready for a 9am standby.  I know that sounds crazy, but when you live in a city where your commute to work is almost an hour, and you still need time to shower and eat breakfast, getting up early is vital.  I'm not one of those people who can just roll out of bed and jump right into their day.  I much prefer to take my time in morning, even if it means getting up a few hours earlier than normal.

I'm not sure if I've ever taken the time to properly explain what a standby is.  A standby is a modeling appointment where you're called to wait and see if any instructors need a model for a class.  Three hour time blocks are set aside for standbys, and you're required to wait for an hour.  During that time, one of two things can happen.  If an instructor requests a model, you go to the class, do your thing, and then that's it.  If no one asks for a model, you're released after an hour and free for the rest of your time.

As much as I love to work, I have to admit that I was glad no one called me in for this standby. I was released after an hour, and ended up having some free time.  I decided to go to the library for a bit and signed out two new books to read.  I also had time to go to Staples and print out the materials I needed for my next audition.  I spent some time reviewing it, and that was that.  I had nothing else to do...that is, until my next booking started.

My session went fine.  It was with an instructor I had worked with before, so that was nice.  Shorter poses leading up to longer poses, standing positions to seated positions.  All of the standard things I've written about in previous blog posts.  I've started to notice, however, that my internal clock is getting more in sync to the actual timer I use when I'm posing.  I've gotten good at figuring out how long I've been holding a pose, especially when they're no longer than seven minutes.  I've also noticed that my body has gotten stronger since I started modeling.  Poses that used to make me fatigued quickly, especially standing postures, don't cause me that strain.  Of course, I still get sore.  But it's much better than it used to be, and I think it gets better each time I model.

My session ended at 3pm, but my day wasn't over yet.  As soon I left the school, I headed to Grand Central Station to eat a quick dinner and catch the next train to New Rochelle.  I've mentioned to a lot of my readers in person that I'm in play now, but I don't think I've mentioned it on this blog yet.  With that said...hey, I'm in a play in New Rochelle!  Yay!!!  It's called "The Victory Garden Plays," and it's about different people living in New Rochelle during World War Two.  I'm playing a character named Alice, who's husband, Richard, has been deployed in the trenches in France.  I get to do this beautiful monologue about her feelings towards it, and I can already tell it's going to be a great show.  The rest of the cast is very talented, so if you're reading this and can make it to the New Rochelle Public Library on October 28th at 3pm, please come see it!  (And that's what we call a shameless plug!)

So, that was my day.  It was a balancing act, for sure.  I don't doubt I'll have more days like it in the future.  But like I've said many times before, I don't mind.  Having a completely packed day yesterday and a pretty relaxed today is a nice juxtaposition.  I intend to make the most of it.  With that said, it's off to do some errands.  That's what all adults do on their days off, right?  ;)

See you soon!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Two Is Better Than One

Hi everyone!

Well, it’s official.  Cold and flu season is upon us.  How do I know this?  Considering I can only breathe easily through one nostril right now, and I spent the majority of Thursday night tossing and turning and blowing my nose...yeah, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet.

Having a cold is never fun, but it’s even worse when you’re an art model with a cold.  Before I did my modeling session yesterday, I couldn’t imagine sitting still for any length of time.  My head was throbbing, my nose was running, and I couldn’t walk for more than a few minutes without feeling winded.  Part of me was seriously considering pulling out of my booking.  But after a quick trip to Rite Aid, a cup of lentil soup from Hale and Hearty, and some nasal spray and Sudafed, my symptoms had called down enough that I was feeling okay to model.  So I made my way over to the East side of town and got ready to work.

In most modeling sessions, there's only one model present.  But yesterday's session was different.  Instead of just me being the primary model, there was also another female model present.  This meant that we would be taking turns posing throughout the session and that the students would have the opportunity to draw us both.

I had done one other class with another model earlier this year.  It's always interesting to see what kind of poses a different model will take.  I think it helps hint at what they do outside of their sessions.  For example, I noticed the other model and I both took poses that really elongated our arms and legs.  (It didn't take long for the instructor to figure out that we were both dancers!)  Seeing another model pose also helps inform me about what kind of poses I might like to try in future sessions.  I think the other model had a great awareness about how she positioned her head in relationship to the rest of her body, which made her poses look very poised.  That's something I'm going to consider in my next booking.  It just goes to show you that inspiration can really come from all places.

Having another model in the class also turned out to beneficial for my cold.  Being able to trade on and off was great, because I ended up getting longer breaks than usual.  For example, while she did a twenty minute pose, I got to sit off to the side and relax for the entire time that she was on the modeling stand.  I'm not sure if I would have felt the best if I had to do all the modeling myself.  Chances are that I would have come home feeling just as physically drained as I did before the session.  So, I was grateful that things worked out the way they did.

Aside from getting longer breaks and alternating on the stand with the other model, the rest of the class was pretty standard.  Shorter poses leading up to longer ones, some standing, some seating, etc. The session went by quickly and I got home shortly after it ended.  But not before I stopped by Walgreens to by some BreathRight strips.  A good decision, considering my cold has gotten significantly better today.  I'm still pretty stuffed up, but I'm on the mend.  I'm hoping I'll be completely well in a few days.

Until then, I'm going to take it easy.  I have the entire day off tomorrow, so I think that sleeping in is ideal.  Fingers crossed that the NyQuil I'm about to take will help me sleep easy tonight!

See you soon!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

All In A Day's Work - Part Two

Hi everyone!

I'm happy to report that I slept better than I was expecting to.  I only woke up once during the night, and I was able to fall back asleep again until 7:30am.  Thank god too, because as we all know, I needed that rest.  Not only that, but for the first time in days, I was able to make myself a proper breakfast this morning.  Pancakes with peanut butter, a perfectly ripe kiwi, and a cup of peppermint tea.  Good morning indeed!

Today is officially my day off, which means that in addition to doing some housework and resting some more, I get to tell you all about the rest of my very busy day of modeling.  Yay!  So, let's jump right in.

When I agreed to do three modeling sessions in one day, the second session was originally going to be a standby.  This means that I was going to be on call for any instructors that needed models in the 12pm to 3pm time frame.  If no one requested a model, I'd be free to go after an hour.  I've done standbys before, and I've never been asked to do an actual class.  But as might have guessed, this time was different.

I was checking my email during the first session when I noticed that I had a new one from the school.  Turns out that my standby had now become a class.  So as soon as I finished up my first session, I went downstairs to a different classroom to start the now second session I had for the day.  When I got to the room, however, I noticed no one seemed to be getting set up for class to begin.  I got a little worried.  "Am I in the right room?  Did I misread my email?" I thought to myself.  I ended up checking my email about five times just to make sure I didn't mess anything up.  Turns out that the class was actually six hours long, like the one I wrote about in my "New Experiences" post, and I had arrived right when the lunch hour had started.  This turned out to be a good thing, because it gave me a chance to rest for a while before getting back on the stand.

When the class did start up again, I was both surprised and delighted to find out that the instructor was one I had worked with before.  In fact, he was one of the first teachers I worked with when I started modeling.  It was great to see him again.  It was also great that he let me do three seated twenty minutes poses.  My body was definitely thankful for it!  The class went by quickly and as soon as it ended, I started walking across town to get to my final booking of the day.

Walking in the rain from the West side of town to the East wasn't exactly fun.  Nonetheless, I made it to my booking on time.  I was especially excited for this one, because it was with another instructor I had previously worked with.  I did mostly standing poses in this session, twenty minutes each.  I'll admit, I was nervous that my body wouldn't be able to take being in an upright position for so long.  But to my surprise, I managed to do it with almost no tension or tightness.  I have no idea if it was from having a long break earlier in the day, or if my body has become stronger and more capable of holding still.  Whatever the reason, I was happy.

This final class was also great because I got to talk a bit with one of the students and the instructor.  We chatted about baseball, music, and theatre while I took my breaks, much to my delight.  It's always fun when you get to have a conversation with the people in the room, even if it's just for a little while.  It makes the overall experience that much more fun and personal.  Plus, it's also great to be able to tell you all about it!  The student even let me see one of the drawings she did.  I have to say that I loved how she drew me, especially since it only took her thirty minutes to do it!

Once the class was over, I headed to the nearest Lush store and bought a lavender scented bath bomb.  I took the subway back to my sublet, flopped on my bed for bit, then went to the bathroom to take a much needed soak in the tub.  Quick tip to all you aspiring art models out there: hot baths/showers after a long day of work are total BLISS.  I highly recommend them!  I have to admit that I'm still pretty sore today, especially in my back.  But thanks to the magic of Groupon, I now have a massage scheduled for next week.  I couldn't be happier about this fact, especially since I've been meaning to get one since the start of this month.

Modeling three times in a day definitely had an impact on me.  I still don't think my body has caught up with me yet.  But like I said in my last post, I wouldn't have changed anything about my experience.  Modeling is hard work, but it's work that I love doing.  Even if I get tired and sore from it, it's all in a day's work, and all worth it in the end.  :)

That's it for this blog post.  Be sure to check back soon for more stories, and please keep your questions and comments coming!

See you soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

All In A Day's Work - Part One

Hi everyone!

Oh lord, am I TIRED today.  I'll be very surprised if I make it through writing this entry without passing out.  I already took a three hour nap today, so I'm hopeful.  But I guess we'll see by the end of this post!

It's no secret that being an art model is a tiring job.  (I know I've mentioned that plenty of times).  I've come to expect feeling fatigued after each modeling session I do.  I'm pretty used to it by now.  But today, I feel more tired than usual.  Why is that?  Because yesterday, I had three modeling sessions in a row.  You heard correctly, folks.  THREE modeling sessions in a row, the most I've ever done in a single day.  That means I was working for NINE hours in total, most of which were spent holding still.

Just take a second to think about that.  Have you ever had to hold still in a variety of poses for up to twenty minutes at time, from nine o'clock in the morning until six o'clock at night?  Not only do you get extremely tired, but your body also gets sore and tight in places you didn't even know could feel pain.  It's no walk in the park.  But despite the fact that I've popped my neck more times than I can count today, and that I've been try to stretch and roll out my muscles since I woke up today, I don't regret taking on a packed day of modeling.  Not for a second.  And as per usual, I'm going to tell you all about it.

Before I start, however, I decided to split this topic into two different posts.  I'm doing this because I have a lot to say about this experience, and I don't want to skip out on any details.  I think it will be easier to read this story in two, shorter posts rather than one massive one.  It'll also save me the trouble of tiring to squeeze everything into an entry when I'm feeling less than awake.  This will be Part One of my story.  Part Two will come soon enough, so please stick around for that!

Without further adieu, here's how my very long day of modeling began:

Since it takes me about forty-five minutes to get to Midtown from my sublet in Brooklyn, I woke up at 6am yesterday.  I took a shower, ate breakfast, gathered all my modeling things, and I was out the door just before 7:30am.  I got to where I needed to be just before 8:30am, which gave me plenty of time to change and relax before my booking started at 9am.  Once the class began, everything was pretty standard.  For the first twenty minutes, I did a series of two minute poses, ten in total.  Everything was going smoothly, until I realized something unexpected had happened.

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this, but it's standard for models to time themselves when they're working.  I use a small kitchen timer that I got from Bed Bath & Beyond that's easy to set and beeps loudly when time is up.  But even with the physical timer going, I think I've gotten good at developing my own internal timer.  During one of my two minute poses, I started to think to myself "I think I've been holding this position longer than two minutes."  I glanced down at my timer...and I noticed it wasn't working at all.  After a brief moment of panic, I mentioned to the instructor that my timer had stopped working.  Thankfully, he was more than understanding and offered to time me for the rest of my short poses.  I thought my timer's battery had died on the spot, which definitely wouldn't have been good for the rest of the class.  But it turns out that the timer's battery had just popped out.  After some quick finagling, my timer was back to normal and I was timing my poses again with no problem.

I'm very grateful that this first class started off with short poses and progressed to longer ones.  Admittedly, I was more tired than I expected to be when I started this particular booking.  Easing into longer poses definitely helped me feel more awake and alert.  When I got to my final twenty minute poses, I didn't feel as exhausted as I was expecting to be.  Granted, I still chose to do reclining poses instead of standing or seating postures.  But I finished the class feeling more energized and accomplished, and ready to take on the rest of my day.

With that, I think I'm going to close out this post for tonight.  Let's see if my internal clock isn't completely messed up from that three hour nap!  :P  Once again, be sure to come back for Part Two of this story.  I'm hoping to have it completed by tomorrow, so please check it out once it's posted!

See you soon!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

New Experiences

Hi everyone!

I'm currently sitting in my room, sans makeup, wearing the baggiest sweatshirt I own and a fuzzy pair of cabin socks.  Why, you may ask, do I mention this?  Because, dear readers.  Nothing feels better than putting on your comfy clothes after a long day at work!  Also, I think this outfit is ideal for writing in.  There's just something about wearing a cozy ensemble that gets the creative juices following...

As you might have guessed, I modeled again today.  However, today was a bit different than normal.  I mentioned in a previous post that a typical modeling session lasts about three hours, with a fair amount of breaks in between.  My session today, though, went from 12:10pm to 6pm.  I kid you not, folks.  I had a modeling job for six hours.

Now, this isn't totally foreign to me.  After all, I've done double shifts before.  But up until today, I had never done a single modeling session that lasted this long.  I had no idea what to expect, other that the typical "set the pose, set the timer, hold it, break, repeat" routine.  All I knew was that I was expected to stay for six hours, and get one long break in between.  Sounds simple enough, right?

In many ways, it was.  But I'll get into that a little later.  When I've worked long modeling hours in the past, I tend to plan my entire day around it.  Last night, I went to bed around 10pm so I could wake up at 6:30am.  I know that sounds crazy when my job didn't even start until the afternoon, but I wanted to make sure I got some things done.  I've never really been one for exercising in the morning,  since I like to save my workouts for the end of the day.  But I squeezed in some yoga and a leg workout, and even had time to make buttermilk pancakes with a side of blueberry and granola laden yogurt for breakfast.  I must admit, it did feel good to get my workout done so early.  Definitely helped set me up for the rest of my day.

When I arrived at my modeling session, everything looked as typical as could be.  The modeling stand was set up, as was the area for the students to paint in.  But soon after the class and the instructor arrived, things started to get a little more interesting.  In past modeling sessions, I'll normally be on a fairly bare stand, with the exception of a chair or my yoga mat.  Today, though, something very exciting happened.  Within minutes, the students and instructor got a bunch of props and fabrics to drape and decorate the stand with and created a very surreal, also Dali like space for me to pose in.  They used so many things, including a broken Grecian bust,  a wet floor sign, and a faux deer head.  (No lie!). For a minute, I felt more like my actress self, waiting to deliver some kind of post-modern monologue.  It was so cool to see everything come together, and I couldn't have been more excited to pose.

Since the session was longer than normal, I got to choose a seated pose for the entirety of the class.  I ended up sitting against the wall with my legs bent in a kind of "mermaid position."  Not a bad posture to hold...but I was feeling it in my body after a while.  I know I've mentioned several times that modeling is tiring, but I'm not exaggerating.  After I held my pose for a few times, my left leg started to go numb.  It got to the point that right before my timer beeped, I couldn't stand up or walk without wobbling like a newborn colt.  It didn't feel great, but the good news is that my leg quickly woke up during each of my breaks.  No injuries or massive pain, unlike that fish on "Spongebob Squarepants."  (MY LEG!!!)

I once read that if a limb goes numb during a modeling session, it helps to subtly press into another body part to help distract yourself from the uncomfortableness.  I tried doing this today by pressing the heel of my left hand into my yoga mat.  I was able to regain some feeling in my leg...but I think I might have strained my wrist because of it.  It's a little sore tonight, but it's not serious.  It's nothing that a gentle self massage won't cure!

One of the great things about modeling for longer amount of time today was getting to hear the instructors comments and insights.  I loved hearing all the information he gave to the students about how to structure their paintings and what details to pay attention to.  Again, I was totally blown away by how fast they were all able to grasp this information and put it to use.  I know it comes from years of practice and study, but I have to admit; it sometimes seems magical when I see how the students can alter their works in just a few minutes.

But the coolest thing about today, though, was getting to see the final products at the end of the class.  There were so many different interpretations of the pose I did, but all of them were so interesting to look at.  I think all the student really nailed the phantasmic quality of the area surrounding me, and it's always fascinating to see the different ways I can be physically interpreted.  It's definitely one of the best parts of my job.

And there you have it.  Even though the hours were longer than what I'm used to, it was a great modeling session today.  Now though, it's time for some well deserved rest.  I think there's a hot shower upstairs calling my name... ;)

See you soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Return

Hi everyone!

Let me start off this blog entry by saying that it was a very hot and humid day today in New York City.  I don't think I could have walked for more than five minutes without feeling like I was going to melt into a puddle of sweat.  It was not a fun experience, to say the least.  But, despite the fact that I know I'll be sore tomorrow from walking around Manhattan in the sweltering heat, I have to admit that it was nice to still have some summer weather before fall begins at the end of the month. As much as I don't like the heat, the sunshine is something I always enjoy.

But enough about that.  After all, you guys aren't here to read my musings about the city's weather!

As I mentioned in my last post, I made a return to modeling today.  I have to admit, it feels a bit strange to be writing about it.  My last modeling job was in April, after all.  I know that's technically not that long of a time in the grand scheme of things.  But at soon as I pressed my new Fall 2018 sticker onto my modeling ID, it seemed like the gravity of the situation hit me all at once.  I was finally returning to a job that I loved after spending month of missing it, and I couldn't have been more excited!

Today's booking was especially interesting.  Since it's the start of the fall semester, the class was structured a bit differently from what I'm used to experiencing.  One of the things the professor tried to stress to his students was the importance of observing the different shadows that light creates on the subject matter you're capturing.  To demonstrate this, he had me stand on the modeling platform under a large lamp, do some quick poses, and pointed out where the light hit me and the effect it had on my body.

I wish I could remember everything he said, because it was absolutely fascinating.  He was almost scientific and mathematical in his explanations.  He pointed out all the different angles the light could make against me, and all the different kinds of shadows that were formed depending on how I stood or where I placed my arms and legs.  I had always known that creating a piece of art was a detailed process, but this took it to another level for me.  I was so intrigued during each explanation.  Honestly, I don't know how all the students can remember this much information and make such beautiful creations in only a few hours.  It's a truly amazing thing when you think about it.

I did mostly standing poses today, each for twenty minutes.  I don't know if it was the thrill of being back on the stand, or the fact that I was in an air conditioned room for the first time of the day, but I felt pretty zen for most of the class.  This doesn't tend to happy when I'm posed in a standing position, so the surprise was very welcome!  I did learn a lesson, however, about standing postures.  If you're holding one for more that ten minutes, it's not the best idea to put most of your weight onto one foot.  I tried a pose like this today and I could not have been more relieved to sit down once my timer beeped.  I think my right leg was almost entirely numb before I started moving again.  I'll have to remember this the next time I think to myself "What?  Standing mostly on one leg for twenty minutes?  Piece of cake!"  (No, Megan.  This is not cake.  There is no cake!  THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!)

My feet and legs are all kinds of tired now.  Even as I write this, I can feel them pulsing with aches and pains.  It's not the best feeling, of course, but I don't think I'd have it any other way.  It felt so good to be modeling again, and to have my return go so smoothly.  Although I'm more exhausted than I've been all day, I also feel very proud of myself and like I accomplished something big today.  I'm so happy to be modeling again, and I'm looking forward to having more bookings in the future.  :)

Right now, though, I think it's time for some well deserved rest.  I have a feeling I'm going to sleep well tonight!

See you soon!!