Wednesday, September 19, 2018

All In A Day's Work - Part One

Hi everyone!

Oh lord, am I TIRED today.  I'll be very surprised if I make it through writing this entry without passing out.  I already took a three hour nap today, so I'm hopeful.  But I guess we'll see by the end of this post!

It's no secret that being an art model is a tiring job.  (I know I've mentioned that plenty of times).  I've come to expect feeling fatigued after each modeling session I do.  I'm pretty used to it by now.  But today, I feel more tired than usual.  Why is that?  Because yesterday, I had three modeling sessions in a row.  You heard correctly, folks.  THREE modeling sessions in a row, the most I've ever done in a single day.  That means I was working for NINE hours in total, most of which were spent holding still.

Just take a second to think about that.  Have you ever had to hold still in a variety of poses for up to twenty minutes at time, from nine o'clock in the morning until six o'clock at night?  Not only do you get extremely tired, but your body also gets sore and tight in places you didn't even know could feel pain.  It's no walk in the park.  But despite the fact that I've popped my neck more times than I can count today, and that I've been try to stretch and roll out my muscles since I woke up today, I don't regret taking on a packed day of modeling.  Not for a second.  And as per usual, I'm going to tell you all about it.

Before I start, however, I decided to split this topic into two different posts.  I'm doing this because I have a lot to say about this experience, and I don't want to skip out on any details.  I think it will be easier to read this story in two, shorter posts rather than one massive one.  It'll also save me the trouble of tiring to squeeze everything into an entry when I'm feeling less than awake.  This will be Part One of my story.  Part Two will come soon enough, so please stick around for that!

Without further adieu, here's how my very long day of modeling began:

Since it takes me about forty-five minutes to get to Midtown from my sublet in Brooklyn, I woke up at 6am yesterday.  I took a shower, ate breakfast, gathered all my modeling things, and I was out the door just before 7:30am.  I got to where I needed to be just before 8:30am, which gave me plenty of time to change and relax before my booking started at 9am.  Once the class began, everything was pretty standard.  For the first twenty minutes, I did a series of two minute poses, ten in total.  Everything was going smoothly, until I realized something unexpected had happened.

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this, but it's standard for models to time themselves when they're working.  I use a small kitchen timer that I got from Bed Bath & Beyond that's easy to set and beeps loudly when time is up.  But even with the physical timer going, I think I've gotten good at developing my own internal timer.  During one of my two minute poses, I started to think to myself "I think I've been holding this position longer than two minutes."  I glanced down at my timer...and I noticed it wasn't working at all.  After a brief moment of panic, I mentioned to the instructor that my timer had stopped working.  Thankfully, he was more than understanding and offered to time me for the rest of my short poses.  I thought my timer's battery had died on the spot, which definitely wouldn't have been good for the rest of the class.  But it turns out that the timer's battery had just popped out.  After some quick finagling, my timer was back to normal and I was timing my poses again with no problem.

I'm very grateful that this first class started off with short poses and progressed to longer ones.  Admittedly, I was more tired than I expected to be when I started this particular booking.  Easing into longer poses definitely helped me feel more awake and alert.  When I got to my final twenty minute poses, I didn't feel as exhausted as I was expecting to be.  Granted, I still chose to do reclining poses instead of standing or seating postures.  But I finished the class feeling more energized and accomplished, and ready to take on the rest of my day.

With that, I think I'm going to close out this post for tonight.  Let's see if my internal clock isn't completely messed up from that three hour nap!  :P  Once again, be sure to come back for Part Two of this story.  I'm hoping to have it completed by tomorrow, so please check it out once it's posted!

See you soon!

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