Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Return

Hi everyone!

Let me start off this blog entry by saying that it was a very hot and humid day today in New York City.  I don't think I could have walked for more than five minutes without feeling like I was going to melt into a puddle of sweat.  It was not a fun experience, to say the least.  But, despite the fact that I know I'll be sore tomorrow from walking around Manhattan in the sweltering heat, I have to admit that it was nice to still have some summer weather before fall begins at the end of the month. As much as I don't like the heat, the sunshine is something I always enjoy.

But enough about that.  After all, you guys aren't here to read my musings about the city's weather!

As I mentioned in my last post, I made a return to modeling today.  I have to admit, it feels a bit strange to be writing about it.  My last modeling job was in April, after all.  I know that's technically not that long of a time in the grand scheme of things.  But at soon as I pressed my new Fall 2018 sticker onto my modeling ID, it seemed like the gravity of the situation hit me all at once.  I was finally returning to a job that I loved after spending month of missing it, and I couldn't have been more excited!

Today's booking was especially interesting.  Since it's the start of the fall semester, the class was structured a bit differently from what I'm used to experiencing.  One of the things the professor tried to stress to his students was the importance of observing the different shadows that light creates on the subject matter you're capturing.  To demonstrate this, he had me stand on the modeling platform under a large lamp, do some quick poses, and pointed out where the light hit me and the effect it had on my body.

I wish I could remember everything he said, because it was absolutely fascinating.  He was almost scientific and mathematical in his explanations.  He pointed out all the different angles the light could make against me, and all the different kinds of shadows that were formed depending on how I stood or where I placed my arms and legs.  I had always known that creating a piece of art was a detailed process, but this took it to another level for me.  I was so intrigued during each explanation.  Honestly, I don't know how all the students can remember this much information and make such beautiful creations in only a few hours.  It's a truly amazing thing when you think about it.

I did mostly standing poses today, each for twenty minutes.  I don't know if it was the thrill of being back on the stand, or the fact that I was in an air conditioned room for the first time of the day, but I felt pretty zen for most of the class.  This doesn't tend to happy when I'm posed in a standing position, so the surprise was very welcome!  I did learn a lesson, however, about standing postures.  If you're holding one for more that ten minutes, it's not the best idea to put most of your weight onto one foot.  I tried a pose like this today and I could not have been more relieved to sit down once my timer beeped.  I think my right leg was almost entirely numb before I started moving again.  I'll have to remember this the next time I think to myself "What?  Standing mostly on one leg for twenty minutes?  Piece of cake!"  (No, Megan.  This is not cake.  There is no cake!  THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!)

My feet and legs are all kinds of tired now.  Even as I write this, I can feel them pulsing with aches and pains.  It's not the best feeling, of course, but I don't think I'd have it any other way.  It felt so good to be modeling again, and to have my return go so smoothly.  Although I'm more exhausted than I've been all day, I also feel very proud of myself and like I accomplished something big today.  I'm so happy to be modeling again, and I'm looking forward to having more bookings in the future.  :)

Right now, though, I think it's time for some well deserved rest.  I have a feeling I'm going to sleep well tonight!

See you soon!!

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